Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control: Transaction Processing Concepts,
Concurrency Control Techniques: Two-phase Locking, Timestamp Ordering,
Multiversion, Validation, Multiple Granularity Locking.
Definition - What does Transaction Process System (TPS) mean?
A transaction process
system (TPS) is an information processing system for business transactions
involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all transaction data.
Characteristics of a TPS include performance, reliability and consistency.
TPS is also known as
transaction processing or real-time processing
Example of a Transaction T
x := x - 200
write(x,A) Transaction Schedule reflects
chronological order of operations
:= y + 100
Concept of transaction
v A transaction is the execution of a program that
accesses or changes the contents of a database
v It is a logical unit of work (LUW) on the
database that is either completed in its entirety (COMMIT) or not done at all.
In the latter case, the transaction has to clean up its own mess, known as
v A transaction could be an entire program, a
portion of a program or a single command.
v The concept of a transaction is inherently about
organising functions to manage data.
v A transaction may be distributed (available on
different physical systems or organised into different logical subsystems)
and/or use data concurrently with multiple users for different purposes.
v Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems
support a large number of concurrent transactions without imposing excessive
recovery purposes, a system always keeps track of when a transaction starts,
terminates, and commits or aborts. Hence, the recovery manager keeps track of
the following transaction states and operations:
· BEGIN_TRANSACTION: This marks the beginning of transac- tion execution.
or WRITE: These specify read or write operations on the database
items that are executed as part of a transaction.
· END_TRANSACTION: This specifies that read and write
opera- tions have ended and marks
the end limit of transaction execution. How- ever, at this point it may be necessary to check whether the changes in- troduced by the transaction can be permanently
applied to the database (committed)
or whether the transaction has to be aborted
because it vio- lates concurrency control, or for some other reason (rollback).
· COMMIT_TRANSACTION: This signals a successful end of the transaction
so that any changes (updates) executed by
the transaction can be safely committed
to the database and will not be undone.
signals the transaction has ended unsuccessfully, so that any changes or
effects that the transaction may have applied
to the database must be undone.
addition to the preceding operations, some recovery techniques require
additional operations that include the following:
UNDO: Similar to rollback,
except that it applies to a single operation rather than to a whole transaction.
REDO: This specifies that certain transaction operations must be redone
to ensure that all the operations of a committed
transaction have been applied successfully to the database.
state transaction diagram is shown below:
transaction goes into an active state immediately after it starts execution,
where it can issue read and write operations. When the transaction ends, it
moves to the partially committed state. At this point, some concurrency control
techniques require that certain checks be made to ensure that the transaction did
not interfere with other executing transactions. In addition, some recovery
protocols are needed to ensure that a system failure will not result in
inability to record the changes of the transaction permanently. Once both
checks are successful, the transaction is said to have reached its commit point
and enters the committed state. Once a transaction enters the committed state,
it has concluded its execution successfully.
a transaction can go to the failed state if one of the checks fails or if it
aborted during its active state. The transaction may then have to be rolled
back to undo the effect of its write operations on the database. The terminated
state corresponds to the transaction leaving the system. Failed or aborted
transactions may be restarted later, either automatically or after being
resubmitted, as brand new transactions.
The practical
aspects of transactions are about keeping control. There are a variety of
causes of transaction failure. These may include:
Concurrency control
enforcement: Concurrency control method may abort the transaction, to be restarted later, because it violates
serialisability (the need for transactions to be
executed in an equivalent way as
would have resulted if they had been
executed sequentially), or because several transactions are in a state of deadlock.
Local error
detected by the transaction: During transaction executions, certain conditions may occur that necessitate cancellation of the trans- action (e.g. an account
with insufficient funds may cause a withdrawal transaction from that account to be cancelled). This may be done by a programmed ABORT in the transaction itself.
A transaction or system error:
Some operation in the transaction may cause it to fail, such as integer overflow, division by zero, erroneous pa- rameter values or logical programming errors.
User interruption
of the transaction during its execution, e.g. by
issuing a control-C in a VAX/ VMS
or UNIX environment.
System software
errors that result in abnormal termination or destruction of the database
management system.
Crashes due to hardware
malfunction, resulting in loss of internal (main and cache) memory (otherwise
known as system crashes).
Disk malfunctions
such as read or write malfunction, or a disk read/write head crash. This may
happen during a read or write operation of theransaction.
Desirable properties of transactions (ACID)
The acronym ACID indicates
the properties of any well-formed transaction. Any transaction that violates these
principles will cause failures of concurrency. A brief description of each
property is given first, followed by detailed discussions.
1. Atomicity: A transaction is an atomic unit
of processing; it is either performed in its entirety or not performed at all.
A transaction does not partly happen.
2. Consistency: The database state is
consistent at the end of a transaction.
3. Isolation: A transaction should not make
its updates visible to other transactions until it is committed; this property,
when enforced strictly, solves the temporary update problem and makes cascading
rollbacks (see ‘Atomicity’ below) of transactions unnecessary.
4. Durability:
a transaction has made a change to the database state and the change is
committed, this change is permanent and should be available to all other
Concurrency Control
control is the procedure in DBMS for managing simultaneous operations without
conflicting with each another.
Concurrency control is
provided in a database to:
(i) enforce isolation among
(ii) preserve database consistency
through consistency preserving execution of transactions.
(iii) resolve read-write and
write-read conflicts.
control techniques are required to control the interaction among concurrent
transactions. These techniques ensure that the concurrent transactions maintain
the integrity of a database by avoiding the interference among them.
Various concurrency control techniques are:
1. Two-phase locking Protocol
2. Time stamp ordering Protocol
3. Multi version concurrency control
4. Validation concurrency control
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