Uniformed search is a searching technique which have no additional information about the distance from current state to the goal.
Informed Search is a another technique which have additional information about the estimate distance from the current state to the goal.
Difference between uniformed search and informed search are given :
- Uniformed search technique have access only to the problem definition whereas Informed search technique have access to heuristic function as well as problem definition.
- Uniformed search is less efficient whereas informed search is more efficient.
- Every action is equally good in uninformed search whereas Every action is not equally good in informed search.
- Many problems are not solved by uniformed search whereas Most of the problem are solved by informed search.
- Uniformed search known as blind search whereas Informed search is known as heuristic search.
- Uniformed search can handle large search problem whereas Informed search can not handle large search problem.
- Uniformed search use more computation whereas Informed search use less computation.
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