Forward chaining.
- It is also known as data driven inference technique.
- Forward chaining matches the set of conditions and infer results from these conditions. Basically, forward chaining starts from a new data and aims for any conclusion.
- It is bottom up reasoning.
- It is a breadth first search.
- It continues until no more rules can be applied or some cycle limit is met.
- For example: If it is cold then I will wear a sweater. Here “it is cold is the data” and “I will wear a sweater”is a decision. It was already known that it is cold that is why it was decided to wear a sweater, This process is forward chaining.
- It is mostly used in commercial applications i.e event driven systems are common example of forward chaining.
- It can create an infinite number of possible conclusions.
Backward chaining.
- It is also called as goal driven inference technique.
- It is a backward search from goal to the conditions used to get the goal. Basically it starts from possible conclusion or goal and aims for necessary data.
- It is top down reasoning.
- It is a depth first search.
- It process operations in a backward direction from end to start, it will stop when the matching initial condition is met.
- For example: If it is cold then I will wear a sweater. Here we have our possible conclusion “I will wear a sweater”. If I am wearing a sweater then it can be stated that it is cold that is why I am wearing a sweater. Hence it was derived in a backward direction so it is the process of backward chaining.
- It is used in interrogative commercial applications i.e finding items that fulfill possible goals.
- Number of possible final answers is reasonable.
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