Explain the meaning, importance & process of strategic management. | Tech Hindi Sagar
Rajnish kumar

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Explain the meaning, importance & process of strategic management.

Q.1. Explain the meaning, importance & process of strategic management.
Strategic Management
The term strategy is derived from a Greek word “strategos” which means generalship-the actual direction of military force, as distinct from the policy governing its development.  At first, the word was used in terms of Military Science to mean what a manager does to offset actual or potential actions of competitors.
                According to Alfred D Chandler, Strategy is the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of the courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.
                                                    Strategic management is the management of an organization’s resources to achieve its goals and objectives. Strategic management involves setting objectives, analyzing the competitive environment, analyzing the internal organization, evaluating strategies, and ensuring that management rolls out the strategies across the organization.

                                                                                                                                  For example, a for-profit technical college wishes to increase enrollment of new students and graduation of enrolled students over the next three years. The purpose is to make the college known as the best buy for a student's money among five for-profit technical colleges in the region, with a goal of increasing revenue.
                                                 In the above case, strategic management means ensuring that the school has funds to create high-tech classrooms and hire the most qualified instructors. The college also invests in marketing and recruitment and implements student retention strategies. The college’s leadership assesses whether its goals have been achieved on a periodic basis.
Importance of Strategic Management
  • It guides the company to move in a specific direction. It defines organization’s goals and fixes realistic objectives, which are in alignment with the company’s vision.
  • It assists the firm in becoming proactive, rather than reactive, to make it analyse the actions of the competitors and take necessary steps to compete in the market, instead of becoming spectators.
  • It acts as a foundation for all key decisions of the firm.
  • It attempts to prepare the organization for future challenges and play the role of pioneer in exploring opportunities and also helps in identifying ways to reach those opportunities.
  • It ensures the long-term survival of the firm while coping with competition and surviving the dynamic environment.
  • It assists in the development of core competencies and competitive advantage, that helps in the business survival and growth.
The basic purpose of strategic management is to gain sustained-strategic competitiveness of the firm. It is possible by developing and implementing such strategies that create value for the company. It focuses on assessing the opportunities and threats, keeping in mind firm’s strengths and weaknesses and developing strategies for its survival, growth and expansion.

Strategic Management Process

The strategic management process means defining the organization’s strategy. It is also defined as the process by which managers make a choice of a set of strategies for the organization that will enable it to achieve better performance.
Strategic management is a continuous process that appraises the business and industries in which the organization is involved; appraises it’s competitors; and fixes goals to meet all the present and future competitor’s and then reassesses each strategy.
Strategic management process has following four steps:

Components of Strategic Management Process

  1. Environmental Scanning- Environmental scanning refers to a process of collecting, scrutinizing and providing information for strategic purposes. It helps in analyzing the internal and external factors influencing an organization. After executing the environmental analysis process, management should evaluate it on a continuous basis and strive to improve it.
  2. Strategy Formulation- Strategy formulation is the process of deciding best course of action for accomplishing organizational objectives and hence achieving organizational purpose. After conducting environment scanning, managers formulate corporate, business and functional strategies.
  3. Strategy Implementation- Strategy implementation implies making the strategy work as intended or putting the organization’s chosen strategy into action. Strategy implementation includes designing the organization’s structure, distributing resources, developing decision making process, and managing human resources.
  4. Strategy Evaluation- Strategy evaluation is the final step of strategy management process. The key strategy evaluation activities are: appraising internal and external factors that are the root of present strategies, measuring performance, and taking remedial / corrective actions. Evaluation makes sure that the organizational strategy as well as it’s implementation meets the organizational objectives.
These components are steps that are carried, in chronological order, when creating a new strategic management plan. Present businesses that have already created a strategic management plan will revert to these steps as per the situation’s requirement, so as to make essential changes.


About Admin of the Blog:

Rajnish kumar is the CEO/founder of Tech Hindi Sagar .He is a Computer Science Engineer ,Web Designer,Web Developer and a Pro Blogger..Inspired to make things looks better.

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